Moon phase planting cauliflower
Cauliflower should be planted when the moon is at first Fourth (ie grow) and are one of the following signs: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces, Libra
Planting Cauliflower
Set cauliflower dug furrows in rows two feet away. Place the large late varieties two feet apart, and the first, smaller than 15 inches apart. Make a shallow sulcus between the lines, and use it for irrigation when the weather is dry. Some successGardener run a stream of water through the plant rows, and let you enjoy it, before entering the plant. Other plants in dry soil and water generously after you have set in the ground. Both methods determine the added benefit of solving the soil around the roots.
In most home gardens to the east, the cauliflower is grown in spring or autumn. The last days of May will be the date of spring planting, July 10, the approximatelyfor the autumn. Spring sowing has started in flats indoors. Sow thinly here to send a lot of small space systems development. If these four leaves have long, thin, so two inches between them. When the weather is mild enough to spring the seeds directly in the ground, put three or four of these in the place where you're standing on the left. In this case, it is necessary to avoid thin the plants as soon as possible to their every moveothers.
Only when mild weather is here to stay for the early harvest should be planted directly in soil. A late frost will stop the growth of plants and cause premature head, stripped all the leaves.
When the head moves over the first layer of soil, leaves small incurving close around him and protect them from the sun. With the enlargement of the head, but these leaves apart and away from him, forced labor and human hands are needed for further treatment. The gardenermust then protect the head from the sun with the largest leaves on them and tie them in a vertical position with a soft ribbon, raffia or twine.
Even after the leaves are tied supervision should still be on the agenda, because you need to make sure that the leaders do not grow too much. It 'better to cut a little' cauliflower too early than too late. Time will help you decide when to harvest. If it is hot, a cauliflower, are ready to cut in from three to five daysAfter the leaves were tied. If the weather is cool and can do one to two weeks before it reaches the acceptable dimensions for cutting.
Cauliflower harvest
The general rules for cutting are cut, when the head is six inches in diameter, and during her curds are compact, do not start after they separated and resemble grains of rice. When the time comes to harvest, cut the plant with a sharp knife, so that one or more vertebrae of leaves around the head, to avoid. Pause
Snowball is a mature earlier than 60 days, with the heads of small and medium size. Head purple mature in 85 days and has a flavor similar to broccoli. Snow King hybrid is robust and resistant to heat, such as the giant Danish.
Nutritional Value
One serving contains 66 mg of cauliflower. ascorbic acid (vitamin C), the amount proposed, such as the recommended daily dose.